Who could use EMF?

EMF is designed for individuals, families, nursing homes, assisted and senior living communities, and is highly recommended for senior citizens 55 and over. Agencies such as fire departments, ambulance services, first responders, health care providers, and more.

Why is EMF recommended for senior citizens?

The majority of 911 medical calls come from senior citizens, and EMF will allow them to be prepared if and when an emergency arises.

Is EMF free?

Yes, the EMF website is offered to the community and agencies for free.

What if I can't fill out a form for myself?

We’ve designed EMF to be as user-friendly as possible, and appreciate that some may not be able to fill out their own form. A family member or friend, caretaker, legal guardian, or power of attorney may fill out the form for you.

Why should I use the magnetic packet/paper form?

While EMF is growing in popularity, we still encourage you to have a paper version of your form in case the first responders who arrive at your door are not yet aware of EMF. Your printed form will also be useful to take with you to doctor visits, urgent care, or hospitals including the E.R.

Is my information safe with the EMF website?

Yes, we’ve taken security measures and put safeguards in place to make sure your information is protected and secure.

Why should I fill out EMF?

EMF condenses the first responders’ commonly asked questions during emergency situations. By answering them before an emergency, you help first responders such as paramedics work quickly in life-threatening situations. It's also a place for you to provide any information you would like first responders to know in case of emergency.

How do first responders access EMF?

First responders use a version of the website where they can search and access your form in any location and emergency situation.

Can anyone use the version of EMF that allows search and access to forms?

No, only verified agencies and healthcare providers have access to this version of EMF.

How do first responders get my medical information before they arrive at my location?

When a 911 call is placed for a medical emergency, the dispatcher can access your form through the EMF system and forward it to the first responders on the way to your call.

How many forms can I add to my profile?

You can upload an unlimited number of forms to your EMF profile. Upload your own, your family’s, and your relative’s form to keep your circle safe.

What additional attachments can I include with my form?

Store and upload additional medical information such as previous EKG’s, vital signs, medication lists, or other paper forms.

Can a DNR be uploaded as an attachment?

Yes, you can upload a DNR as an attachment, and we still suggest that you have present the original paper version. As it is with DNR medical situations, first responders have protocols to follow which include contacting the hospital and/or medical control.

What is the EMF team?

The EMF team is comprised of first responders who fill out forms for nursing homes, assisted living, and senior communities. These services charge a fee and for more information email us at contact@emergencymedicalform.com

How do you know what questions first responders ask?

We are founded and operated by first responders that comprised the most common questions asked during medical emergencies and more.

For additional information and questions contact us.